Written articles to edify the Church.

Christians Are Not Under the Law - Under the Law - moses with ten commandments
Christian Living

Christians Are Not Under the Law – but what does that mean?

Explore the nuanced interpretation of Christians’ relationship with God’s Law. This post delves into the common misconceptions surrounding the idea that believers are ‘not under the Law.’ We unravel the implications on sin, moral consistency, and the enduring nature of God’s commandments, challenging traditional views and advocating for a deeper understanding of scriptural teachings. Discover how a reexamined perspective on the Law can enrich the Christian faith, ensuring alignment with the Bible’s universal moral standards and promoting a consistent, transformative spiritual journey.

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7 Ways to Enhance Your Christian Life - Pronomian Christianity - Joshua Ensley
Christian Living

7 Ways to Enhance Your Christian Life (1 John 3:4-6)

4 Everyone who makes a practice of sinning also practices lawlessness; sin is lawlessness. 5 You know that he appeared in order to take away sins, and in him there is no sin. 6 No one who abides in him keeps on sinning; no one who keeps on sinning has either seen him or known him.
(1 John 3:4-6)

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a group of friends standing outside of an old fashioned church building smiling and wearing conservative clothing and hairstyles
Christian Community

Making Friends in a New Church

Making new friends at church is a blend of embracing opportunities, engaging with genuine interest, and encouraging others. This guide is rooted in biblical principles, emphasizing the importance of solid doctrine and Christian community.

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Transcedence in the Throne Room

Transcendence in the Throne Room

In this sermon, Pastor Joshua Ensley explores the divine attributes of God as revealed in Isaiah 6:1-5. Diving deep into the text, he unpacks God’s eternal existence, authority, omnipotence, majesty, reverence, and holiness. This enlightening sermon challenges us to broaden our understanding of God beyond human-created limitations and view Him as He truly is.

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an image that depicts a journey from a seed to a fruit-bearing plant. Start with a small seed in the foreground. This seed is breaking open with a tiny sprout emerging from it, signifying faith taking root. The sprout grows into a mature plant, demonstrating the good works springing from faith. This plant is in rich, fertile soil and is being nourished by droplets of water, which represent God's grace. The shining sun at the top of the image provides light and warmth, illustrating God’s presence.
Christian Living

Faith and Works: Harmonizing the Biblical Teaching

Faith and works – are they contradictory or complementary in our spiritual journey? Explore the profound harmony between these two in our latest blog post. We delve into Scripture, examining Paul’s emphasis on faith and James’s insistence on works, and discover that these teachings are two sides of the same divine coin. Realize how God-given faith inevitably results in good works, not as a means to earn salvation, but as an authentic demonstration of a transformed heart.

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