Written articles to edify the Church.

The radiance of God's glory on the earth
A Defense of the Trinity Doctrine

The Deity of Christ from John 1:1-3

John 1:1-3 is more than a statement about Christ; it is an exploration of His divine nature. Discover how every word in this passage reveals profound truths about Jesus Christ, our eternal Word and Creator.

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an image of three interconnected rings against a celestial background. Each ring is labeled respectively as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. The overlapping center area illuminates a gentle glow, symbolizing the unity within the Trinity.
A Defense of the Trinity Doctrine

The Trinity: Unveiling a Biblical Truth

Unveiling the Trinity as one God in three persons, this blog post sheds light on the biblical revelation of God’s triune nature. From the baptism of Jesus to Paul’s benediction, explore Scripture’s affirmation of God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Delve into the profound unity and diversity within the Trinity, and let this biblical truth deepen your understanding of the one true God.

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