Part One: Why the Trinity Doctrine Is Important


The Christian doctrine of the Trinity is one of the most polarizing topics in the world of Christianity. Groups such as the Jehovah’s Witnesses and the Church of Latter Day Saints (Mormons) deny the doctrine of the Trinity and have spent time defending their opposing (heretical) doctrines. Sadly, exposure to these “Christian” cults and orthodox, non-Messianic Jewish doctrines have caused a shocking number of people within the Messianic/pronomian community to also abandon a doctrine that was for so long a critical aspect of their faith. I see this as a serious problem that needs much attention. Renowned biblical scholar and apologist Dr. James R. White has been, in my opinion, the greatest contemporary defender of the doctrine of the Trinity and I highly recommend his works on the topic beginning with his The Forgotten Trinity, as his work far surpasses anything I am able to and will publish here in this abbreviated effort.

With all of this in mind, I have taken it upon myself to offer the Messianic/pronomian community (and orthodox Christian community) a six-part series on my defense of the doctrine of the Trinity, beginning with the importance of the doctrine itself and then moving into particular branches of the doctrine which have been abused, denied, and labeled as heresy by those within my own faith circle.

The series will follow the following structure:

  • Part One: Why the Trinity is Important
  • Part Two: A Brief Explanation of the Trinity
  • Part Three: The Divinity/Personhood of the Father
  • Part Four: The Divinity/Personhood of the Son
  • Part Five: The Divinity/Personhood of the Spirit
  • Part Six: Concluding Thoughts

I begin this journey here with a defense of the Trinity by appealing to its importance within the lives of Christians. Come with me as I walk through the beautiful and wonderful doctrine of the triune nature of our God and help you to “grow in grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ” (2 Peter 3:18).

Why the Trinity Doctrine Is Important

The doctrine of the Trinity is important first and foremost because God has chosen to reveal the doctrine to us through his Word, thereby making it a biblical doctrine. The Bible forces us into the doctrine of the Trinity because the text speaks clearly on the concepts and understandings of God’s triune nature as preserved by scholars within Christendom for thousands of years. I do, however, recognize that the statement I just made will surely cause some of you to shudder, but I cannot deny this claim in regards to the Trinity any less than I could deny this claim in regards to the biblical doctrine of monotheism, for both are expressed within the text of the Bible, and I pledge to do my best in defending this claim in the coming parts of this series. In part two, we will examine the three particular pillars on which this doctrine stands, but for now we must first recognize its importance if we are to recognize its concepts.

Without submitting to this doctrine, the Christian is vulnerable to compromise critical, theological truths. For example, the Jehovah’s witnesses deny the Trinity through an appeal to Christ’s created nature, which then paves the way to heretical doctrines claiming that Jesus was merely the created Archangel Michael, completely undermining dozens of New Testament Passages which state clearly that Jesus is an uncreated being. The Mormons deny the Trinity by appealing to the position of polytheism (belief in many gods) and thereby open the door to a need for extrabiblical works (the Book of Mormon) to be produced in order to guide the life of the Mormon. Even many within the Messianic/Pronomian movement deny the Trinity by appealing to subordinationism (that Jesus is not equal with God), and thus are forced to accept that Christ is not Lord of all but just Lord of some. 

Because I believe that the doctrine of the Trinity is a biblical doctrine forced upon us from God’s revelation within the Bible, I must then acknowledge that doctrines which exist in contrast to the doctrine of the Trinity are heresies, as have been deemed so by the church through history; however, I do not make the claim that all those who believe in such doctrines are all heretics. What I do believe is that every Christian is, by nature, a theologian, and that we are to make effort continually to sharpen our theology, and I am of the strong conviction that a sharpening of one’s theology in regards to the nature of God, if pursued honestly and continually, will inevitably result in the recognition and acceptance of this doctrine, which is one of the reasons I am even publishing this series. All of these doctrines contrary to the Trinity will be addressed within the coming series, but my main objective here is to show you that a rejection of the doctrine of the Trinity – more specifically, one or more of the three foundations of the doctrine, which will be explained in part two – is the foundation for the acceptance of the aforementioned heresies.

I will wrap up by again appealing to my claim that the doctrine of the Trinity is a biblical doctrine. Though one of today’s hot phrases is “Don’t give me theology; give me Jesus!”, a lack of theology is the very opposite of what God intended for us through his word. When the Apostle Paul opens his letter to the Philippians, he explains that his prayer is not that the Philippians are filled first with money, housing, or food, but rather with knowledge and all discernment. 

And it is my prayer that your love may abound more and more, with knowledge and all discernment, so that you may approve what is excellent, and so be pure and blameless for the day of Christ, filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ, to the glory and praise of God.
(Philippians 1:9-11 ESV)

Without a proper understanding of such a foundational doctrine, I believe that we are significantly hindering our witness of Jesus to the godless and dying world. Only through a critical, accurate, and biblical knowledge of him, both in regards to our relationship with him as well as who he is, can we best share him with others.

I hope you continue this journey with me.

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